Cheesy, nutty, obviously got quite a lot of age on it but only more full of character for it. Dried apricot fruit and a nose that smells like a barn. — 7 years ago
Wow. Dry tip of mouth. — 11 years ago
Phenomenal wine for the price. Earthy at first then flowery. The perfect wine for a special occasion. 1989 — 7 years ago
Añada 1980, muy buenas cualidades a pesar de los años — 8 years ago
Drinking lovely! This producer holds back their wines until they feel ready to release, this 1980 is a current release! Still showing fruit, leather and "crispness" as the Portuguese would say. — 10 years ago
Who knows what you’re going to get with an old white of a mostly unknown blend, but this was delicious! Took on hints of caramel and honey. Had to get a second glass. — 7 years ago
1985. Tomado em Campinas. Com Gustavo e Patrícia — 5 years ago