Over the last few years, I’ve grown quite fond of Raul Pérez’s wines. The challenge is, some of them can be rather elusive. “La Penitencia” is one of those wines. So I was pretty excited to try this. Popped and poured; consumed over three days. Wine pours deep ruby bordering purple and slightly turbid with a near opaque core; medium+ viscosity. There does appear to be a small amount of fine sediment clinging to the side of the glass. On the nose, the wine is intense. There’s obvious presence of VA and overall, comes across natty; more than any other Raul Pérez wine I’ve had before. That being said, it is remarkably fresh with notes of cherry and blackberry; the pits, seeds, stems and all. There’s also spices, cinder block, and un-excavated basement. On the palate, the wine is dry with medium+ tannin and medium+, bordering on high acid. Again, bright red and dark fruits along with pomegranate, grapefruit, and basil. The finish is a touch mousey with a biscuity sort of thing happening but it’s tolerable and I’m pretty sensitive. This would be too wild for many. Reminds me a bit of Fabio Gea’s “Onde Gravitational”. Plenty of life ahead for these. As it stands, I have another bottle and I won’t be in any particular rush to drink it. Lovely stuff. — 3 years ago
Vinho muito intenso, que fez eu dar uma boa nota, mas a Silvia não gostou. A cor é bem escura, aroma de vinho jovem apesar de 4 anos, com sabor de ervas e madeira, álcool se destaca no cheiro e na boca, onde arde um pouco. Deixa um bom rastro. — 3 years ago
Aveludado e generoso na boca, onde se destacam agradáveis taninos maduros fundidos com madeira.
13% — 6 years ago
Vinho bem concentrado, ótimo equilíbrio. Se desenvolve bem na boca onde se destaca a sua mineralidade. Bastante persistente com final de boca onde predominam especiarias. — 7 years ago
Cor bem escura e intensa, um bom corpo com lágrimas lentas. Tem um excelente aroma onde o carvalho se destaca, com notas de nozes. Na boca se apresenta intenso e complexo, um ótimo sabor bastante equilibrado, com taninos macios e acidez equilibrada. — 3 years ago
Onde the best Zinfandel Cherry and BlackBerry — 7 years ago
Um ano mais e estaria perfeito. Secura ideal e o tradicional gosto de abacaxi maduro. No restaurante onde estou, serviram muito gelado. Um pouco mais fresco libera mais os aromas minerais. — 8 years ago
Jason Gelman
natural wine - really funky, flavorful italian red blend. you definitely get the 50% Nebbiolo structure and then a mix of lots of other flavor profiles. happy to try this one. — 2 years ago