Very light, smooth, easy to drink. — 9 years ago
At Montrio after their rose-fest. This was the hit: another “lost grape” in Tuscany, very dry, faint peach flavors, extremely drinkable! How many more grapes to be rediscovered in Italy? — 7 years ago
Tried it at Montrio Bistro, Monterey CA — 9 years ago
Yummmm. Montrio in Monterey is rocking some great wines. This one from my buddies at balanced wine selections... stunning stuff. Lots of citrus, brimming with acidity. Mandarin orange like the little hard candied kind. Great length and way better than most villages. Sits between a couple premier crus (lechet and sechet).::: nice — 8 years ago
Full fruited, paired with short ribs at Montrio. Tutto bene! — 10 years ago
montrio. more fruit forward than expected for kabinett, quintessential mosel riesling, good body, minerality, clean finish — 6 years ago