I drank it in Milano. — 6 years ago
Dried sage, lemon verbena, sea brine aromatics. Savory, oily sour stone fruit heart, dusty dry as a bone and late stages tinged by lemon rind and white pepper. Lowish acid but high on vitality. #maremma bianco — 8 years ago
Dinner two nights ago. Sauvignon Blanc from Tuscany. A little fruit on the front, low acidity, and no concrete aftertaste. — 8 years ago
Bright cherry and tart berry with tobacco/olive notes. 80% ciliegiolo with the rest Sangiovese. Good sipping wine with light body and barely noticeable tannins. — 9 years ago
Steve Brown
Beautiful deep red color with a dark cherry smooth finish. Pairs wonderfully with rich Italian pasta dishes. Easy drinking dinner wine. — 7 months ago