Found another lovely Japanese Sparkling ~ — 4 years ago
remind of muscadet or lees-aged koshu (it is sur-lie; koshu is Japanese grape) or like a really solid pinot grigio. but enjoyable in its delicacy. I had read it was "like Oregon Cali" chard - so a less fruit butteroak thing - so was impressed with its subtlety
Day2 melded new world flavors and hit all my style points. It aged 4years overnight in a good way! Jumped from 9.1 to 9.5! Yay auction gems. Looking for more — 5 years ago
フルーティで美味しい。日本食にも合う — a year ago
果実の膨らみに程よい樽が広がって、甲州らしい酸がしっかり締める。 — 4 years ago
81 21/12/2020 — 4 years ago
日本ワインのグランクリュとして名高い甲州100%の鳥居平。後味の糖分が好みじゃない。 — 6 years ago
Super light like Verdicchio, slight peach and white flower — a year ago
Thank god, success for koshu. Amber, peach, geraniums, and the usual citrus nose. This really makes up for the lack of depth and body in non mac koshu. It's still a light wine but there's an evolution from orange peel, peach, and softer floral flavours into a more chalky citrus finish. Its pretty awesome. We'll done mercian. — 4 years ago
まだまだ生き生きしてる。 — 6 years ago
Bob McDonald
A glass of Japanese white at the fabulous Hotel Mitsui in Kyoto. Very similar to a Sauvignon Blanc, more specifically a Sancerre from the Loire. Most impressive. I didn’t get to try a Japanese Red yet on this visit but might seek one out in Tokyo tonight. — a month ago