Sake name: "Kikuhime" / brewery: Kikuhime goushigaisha/ region: Ishikawa prefecture/ category: junmai "hiyaoroshi"/ comment: sweet aroma of caramel, soft sweetness, plenty of taste, mellow acid. — 12 years ago
Kikuhime yamahai junmai nomikiri genshu/ Kikuhime goushigaisha/ Ishikawa prefecture/ yamadanishiki/ rice polish ratio: 70%/ — 7 years ago
Name:" Kikuhime"/ brewery: Kikuhime goushigaisha / region: Ishikawa prefecture/ category: traditional style yamahai, unsqueezed free run ginjo/ sweet and mellow note of custard cream, vivid and rich acid, a little sweet, mineral and smooth bitterness, complex texture. — 11 years ago
Tsuyoshi Enoki
Sake Specialist Hasegawa Sake Shop Tokyo
Kikuhime Yamahai Junmai unfiltered undiluted unpasteurized/ brewery: Kikuhime goushigaisha/ Ishikawa prefecture Japan — 2 years ago