Depth and character that is expressing subtleties of leather and salt and perfect for a cabin hideaway with grilled dry aged rib eye. — 10 years ago
Hideaway pizza; NBA finals on TV. Sawweett! — 12 years ago
Lots of slate on the aroma right when the bottle opens, but the wine quickly breathes allowing some scents of black currant and peach to shine through. All chocolate upfront, reminds me of brownie batter. The slate comes back on the mid palate, with an interesting watermelon rind thing going on too. A real mild but long lingering heat on the finish that makes me think of ginger. Over all, a really nice and transformative wine that is a great journey from start to finish. — 4 years ago
The nose reminds me of a slice of Hideaway Bakery's Potato Rustica bread just slightly toasted, or maybe that's just the butterscotch melting in my pocket. Either way, it's clean and mellow but quite rotund. Pairs well with a garlicky pasta late lunch in the fall. — 9 years ago
William got us this bottle and had it ready when we checked into the hobbit hideaway 30 minutes east of Osoyoos, British Columbia. — 6 years ago
Delicious Dinner of Blue Marlin, pork chop and grilled veggies cooked by Andre on our first night at Maggie's Hideaway — 9 years ago
Laura Summers
Favorite wine we tried at the sommelier hideaway - absolutely delicious! — a year ago