Gueuzerie Tilquin

Domaine Kumpf et Meyer

Alsace Auxerrois Selmling

A clear oxydated kick in a well mastered way. Peach, mineral, nice. Reminds one of a Riesling Tilquin on some notes — 4 years ago

Gueuzerie Tilquin

Oude Quetsche Tilquin à L'Ancienne Belgian Lambic Ale

gorgeous. so subtly bitter. divine with ribs/mac n cheese ..... — 10 years ago

Jim liked this

Gueuzerie Tilquin

Mûre Rullquin 2018

Casey Curbow

Lambic influence lacking for my taste. Nice fall beer though. — 5 years ago

Gueuzerie Tilquin

Oude Gueuze Tilquin à L'Ancienne Belgian Ale

26 November 2018. Maison Premiere, Brooklyn, NY. — 6 years ago

Gueuzerie Tilquin

Oude À l'Ancienne Traditional Belgian Lambic Ale

Nice and funky. The plum was very subtle on the finish. Great beer. — 9 years ago

Tyler Hensley
with Tyler