My favorite region, Vacqueyras, is always a joy to save for myself when I know I’ll have a Friday night in. That way I can sit, sip, and enjoy a glass, not worrying about time passing or the pressure of people. I pair with slow old timey New York City jazz, Flamenco, or some newly discovered West African Blues, a good book, or a classic film.
As always, the bouquet is rich, drupel fruits, dried figs, tobacco, juicy plums, and even the thick vegetation of a forest in a Florida summer.
This bottle reminds me of why I fell in love with this underrated region in the first place — the body is complex. Medium to full. It’s got its own charisma. The cranberries up front drop to a smokey barbecue of artichokes, then finally a nice lemon zip at the end lingers. — 6 years ago
At Rekha’s with Flamenco friends. — 9 months ago
Clean, dry Catalonian Cava enjoyed while watching flamenco dancing at Corral de la Moreria in Madrid — a year ago
Un buen sauvignon Blanc dulce para los que gusten de estos vinos. Afrutado con notas a flores, equilibrado, muy sorprendente — 2 years ago
Nice Rioja. Smooth for such a young wine. Even better at a flamenco show in Madrid. — 7 years ago
2008. Madrid Flamenco. Just right w dance, jamón and queso. — 9 years ago
Heather Rostker
Great start to a flamenco dinner at SER. — 4 months ago