Obviously a very special wine. Tasted at a guildsomm class and would like to revisit it. — 8 years ago
With my wife. The wine was pale lemon in colour and offered bouquet of flowers, citrus, peach, orange peel, almond, fresh sea breeze and mineral notes on the nose. On the palate the wine showed white flowers, stone fruit, peach, orange peel and almond, complicated by a salty mineral touch, paired with medium-level acidity, a great, buttery mouthfeel, and very good length. The medium- to full-bodied wine had good complexity and tasted concentrated yet fresh. A great Condrieu! 92 — 11 years ago
Fantastic gold color. Full of fruit — 8 years ago
Cathy Corison

Owner/Winemaker Corison Winery
Meat, black pepper, ripe plum, cherry, blackberries, earth — 4 years ago