28 December 2017. Four Seasons Resort, Chiang Mai, TH. — 7 years ago
Used to sell at Chiang Mai Thai! Delish! Dry! Bought at Apple Jacks — 8 years ago
Very light and crisp. Refreshing and citrus. Pairs well with Thai food. Confused in Chiang Mai, Thailand. — 9 years ago
From Trader Joe's. chosen by David Chiang! Enjoyed with Christine and Michele while watching working girls. What a great Sunday — 8 years ago
05 vintage at In Situ (yes I brought in the wine for early Cecilia Chiang dinner) and it was full mousse at first pouring. Just gushed and relaxed into precise focused wine with intensity and subtleness. All the peaches and zest but drank mostly just like Cristal should always. It's why they get away with that packaging! — 9 years ago
Gift from save and lindsay. Post RAI — 5 years ago
Era consigliato a Mitsuwa supermercato. E produtto con il metodo speciale per il processo. Usato il metodo vecchio da Edo era. Entrambi di caldo unpo e freddo e buono. Ha un corpo abbastanza, non e come l’aqua sake che trovo le volte. Era sconto a mezzo! — 5 years ago
Had at Del Frisco's, with Nick and Chiang. Solid — 8 years ago
Todd Hoskin
Chiang Mai with Nattana, Golf, Mera. Bottle was a 2021 year. Bought at Rimping for about TB699 — 2 years ago