本領発揮までまだ時間がかかる。 — 9 years ago
Mirisom je dovoljno nježno da podsjeca na mladost i dovoljno jako kao da ste u vinskom podrumu.
Na jeziku je leprsavo i pitko, a zbog osjecaja mladosti žao mi je jer imam samo ovu bocu i ne znam kako ce sazrijevati.
Boja je pravo bordo 😃. — 2 years ago
Soft, delicate and accessible. This is Chardonnay with a feather light touch on the palette and it’s quite amazing. Clean & crisp on the nose, understated but oh so perfect on execution from the subtle perfection waiting for your mouth from start to finish. If someone told you they tried a chard and hated it - give them some of this and they’ll change their mind. You can taste the perfection on this one! — 4 years ago
Michael Manelski
Very good! It tasted very expensive. Only $15!!! — 6 months ago