This 2015 red blend is really good. It's balanced and seems to go with everything. There's something about these Portugeuese wines. — 5 years ago
Drinking outdoors with Dave — 8 years ago
Not as spritzy as most Vinho Verdes but I like the taste. — 2 years ago
Red berries, toasted hazelnuts, brown sugar — 7 years ago
Great fruit and body. Typical sweetness but somewhat restrained leaving it very refreshing. Vintage Port. — 9 years ago
Phenomenal and hard to top — 3 years ago
Simples e divertido, como pular amarelo amarelinha (Rayuela em espanhol). Uma calçada, um pedaço de giz e uma pequena pedra. Um convite a rememorar a simplicidade da vida que aviva.
Como este vinho, que traz aroma de amora, ameixa, pimenta negra e tabaco. Sabores de ameixa silvestre, chá preto e ervas aromáticas, combinadas com suaves taninos que levam a um final persistente e equilibrado. — 3 years ago
Had the 2014. Loved it — 8 years ago
Daniel A
This is a great afternoon summer wine. Lots of citrus very pleasant finish no bitterness on the end. Would pair well with lighter seafood dishes. — 8 months ago