A lot about Concentration. violets, black berries, aristocratic deep wine, but the problems with acidity and freshness. — 7 years ago
Complex and nice developed but not really exciting. — 7 years ago
Tasted at the winery
Grenache, Carignan, Cabernet Sauvignon, Merlot, Syrah
Gratallops — 8 years ago
Viognier added to this Grenache blanc added a nice touch. — 6 years ago
Fantastic. Unique, deeper than most, incredible . Lots of fruit in a subtle way...just a fantastic easy drinking rise with structure and heft. Wow wow wow — 7 years ago
Tasted at the winery — 8 years ago
Tropical fruit, canned peaches, fruity but not sweet, clean finish, bright fruits but soft not acidic 2012 vintage served in 2017 — 8 years ago
Michael Donovan
Perfectly fine. A little too acidic for my taste, but I think a lot of people would enjoy this. Tropical fruit, apricot, some tart apple. Very good white for a good price. — 4 days ago