Funky red fruit. Good minerality. Good bready character. Funk tart tangerine nectarine. Clementine. Really great acid. Sugary candy strawberry. — 3 years ago
Bought at Salisbury Wine Shop — 4 years ago
Uno de mis preferidos. vista: rojo rubí, granate, nariz: aromas limpios, recuerdos a frutos rojos, fresas, frutos negros, ciruelas, sensaciones a cuero, vainilla, boca: ligero, fresco, alcohol medio, invita a tomar, frutos rojos, tostado, equilibrado. Acompañe con pastas, tres salsas, roja, verde y blanca, queso parmesano y aceite de oliva virgen extra a discreción, perfecto, de segundo ensalada mixta Temp servicio 16° a 18 C
Bon appétit! Un abrazo — 3 years ago
Very happy to have this in the house. — 4 years ago
Light for a Malbec, great for a dinner party — 2 years ago
Fruktig smak med inslag av mörka körsbär, svartpeppar, skogshallon, viol, fikon och färska örter. Serveras vid 16-18°C kl 20 19 1030 — 3 years ago
Medium body and dry enough — 4 years ago
From ellwood — 5 years ago
Delectable Wine

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Olorosos are white wines aged for so long in solera oak casks that they turn mahogany in color, but the real transformation occurs in the aromas and the palate. The NV Oloroso Asunción is a perfect example. Made from 100% Pedro Ximénez from Montilla-Moriles, it offers nutty aromas of sautéed almonds and saffron, along with undergrowth and caramel notes. Dry, lean and overwhelmingly chalky on the palate, it finishes long and persistent. This is a very impressive wine—a perfect contrast of dryness and richness with a refreshing core. (Joaquín Hidalgo, Vinous, September 2024)
— 6 months ago