Although obviously not filtered, this beer from a very aggressive Boutique Brewery in Italy is pretty darn delicious. Claims to be an IPA although it would fail under American Standards. This is definitely more of a pale wheat or unfiltered Pale Ale, but it's still delicious. The Hop has a slight brett character to it. I am not only getting a little bit of wheat but also a little bit of orange rind. The beer finishes with a little bit of a hop bite. This beer finished a little bit flat in my opinion. Definitely not as torqued up as an IPA from stone or Dogfish Head. I don't know why I was expecting something much darker to come out of the bottle? The aftertaste is really what made me rate this one at 8.9! — 8 years ago
Smoky. Rich. Coffee notes. Yum. — 7 years ago
Isaac, une excellente bière blanche rafraîchissante qui titre à 5. Encore un produit de la magnifique brasserie italienne Baladin. On y retrouve quelques impressions d' agrumes — 8 years ago
Great Sicilian craft beer! Stronger version of a blonde ale. Highly recommend — 8 years ago
Milky. A tad sweet. Double IPA leaning. — 7 years ago
J'adore. Décidément la brasserie italienne Baladin ne cesse de me surprendre. Belle couleur dorée tirant sur l'ambrée. Une bonne profondeur de goût et une bonne amertume, une impression épicé et un peu boisée. Le tout titrant à 8 — 8 years ago
Paul Masson
A zesty pils, tasty brew! — 6 years ago