Aztec Brewing Company

Southern Tier Brewing Company

Blackwater Series Warlock Imperial Stout

Big, foamy root beer-type head, that smells of graham crackers and mocha. Chai- Mocha with Maduro notes, light licorice, nutmeg, light cayenne, light mint notes interplay with the espresso-and pure cacao, toasty and warm. The pumpkin is almost secondary, but emerges, adumbrated in dark leather satchels filled with fire-blackened pumpkins possessed by Aztec priests with vanilla bean necklaces, tobacco leaf doba skirts, and smoky spirit animals made of graham cracker. 2nd to last P-beer! The hallucinations are natural, of course. — 9 years ago

Giulio Cocchi

Barolo Chinato Nebbiolo

Excellent. Pleasantly bitter with a dark chocolate finish. Try using it in place of sweet vermouth in an Anejo tequila manhattan with Fee brothers Aztec chocolate bitters — 11 years ago