This was delicious. Light bodied and fruity it was perfect for a late summer afternoon. I would gladly buy this again. — 5 years ago
Just a good bottle of wine. Simple and fun... — 5 years ago
What a great Cabernet at a great price. I can’t recommend this enough. Just delicious. — 5 years ago
A fantastic bottle of wine. It paired nicely with a couple of ribeyes for a great evening meal with my wife. It is a flavorful Cab with a surprisingly softer finish. I liked it a lot. — 4 years ago
The best Zinfandel I’ve had this year. Definitely a deep fruit flavor... plums and blackberries. Butter smooth from beginning to end. Great.... — 4 years ago
Maybe I got a bad bottle or something. I bought this on a whim based on its rating posted at the store but it did not live up to expectations. Flavorless with an odd finish is the only way I know to describe it. Again maybe my bottle was bad. If you plan to try it proceed with caution if you haven’t had it before and know you like it. — 5 years ago
Delicious... I just enjoyed this so much. Sometimes the whole experience makes the wine seem better. I think this wine makes the experience good. I am no pro, but initially I get cherries with a light licorice taste, but the finish is long and just butter smooth. Beg, borrow, or steal this wine but get some for your cellar. You won’t regret it. — 4 years ago
What is all the hype about? I’ve had better wines for $10. At $350 this should have just wowed, but it did not. Maybe my palate is not sophisticated enough. Perhaps I’m a Philistine that should only drink box wines and wine coolers. Either that or this is the most overhyped plonk I have ever purchased. For those of you that are thinking of trying this for the first time... skip it. This is the wine equivalent of booking a Disney Resort hotel thinking you’ll get a 5 star experience and then realizing you got a Motel 6 with a mouse painted on it. — 5 years ago
I know wine gets better than this... but I can’t remember when I’ve had a better glass. Very enjoyable. A late afternoon family lunch with Ossobuco and risotto and this great wine. What a perfect afternoon. — 5 years ago
William Bentley
I could make better wine in my basement with grapes I bought from the store. What a total disappointment. This is not worth buying. This is not worth drinking if someone gives it to you for free. How others have rated this so highly is beyond my ability to comprehend. You know just as an exercise you should go buy it and decide for yourself. There is no way this wine is worth 9 or more points. — 4 years ago