Smoky with dark berries, pretty robust in flavor. Good for a cold night. — 9 years ago
The smell of this was bomb, like smoky yumminess. The flavor was sweet and fruity, round, not overly high in tannins. Just totally delicious. Pairs well with beef. — 10 years ago
A French Malbec that I've held on to for a few years. It's delicious. Really soft and quiet at first with a really powerful finish that you'd get with a Malbec. High acidity, doesn't have a huge amount of the usual fruit notes. More like peppercorns and grapefruit which sounds pretty gross, but I'm enjoying the bottle. It will probably be better tomorrow. — 9 years ago
Ladies and gentleman, the knock off — 9 years ago
Smooth, on the sweet side, sort of dry, kind of lacking in complexity, leaves the mouth pretty quickly. I wouldn't say the flavors are very noticeable or profound. I would def get again, it's really smooth. Probably good with a tomato sauce dish. — 9 years ago
It's been awhile since I wino'd. This bottle is pretty tasty. You know it's going to be a good time when you take first sip and you like "awwwwww yeaaaaa imma take another sip like right now, that's so good." That first sip was immediately smokey AF but in a good way. In the best way. It's cold out and this wine will cuddle you. Maybe Alex from Tinder didn't call you back, but this wine will keep you warm tonight. It's also got a lot of sweetness (blackberries) Alex didn't. It's smokey and jammy and tasty and lingers on the palate nicely. So drink wine don't Tinder. — 9 years ago
Tori had this 9 years ago
Tori had this 10 years ago
It's "drink the cheap shit" night. If sugary vinegar and overly ripe strawberries started hanging out in a dive bar, had one too many drinks, and then decided to go out for a smoke that's what this wine starts out tasting like. Then vinegar and strawberries are drunk and their mouths tastes like cigarettes and then they're horny so they make out, but their mouths are too dry... That's what the after taste is like. They're horny, so they'll make out... But man will it taste gross. And then when they're done, they return to the bar and pretend it never happened. Which is what you'll want to do after drinking this dry, vinegar, sweetish mess. Bleh. — 10 years ago
Tori Main
I almost wish I waited another year to open this, it's amazingly pleasant. It's really mellow and delicate but has some tannins going on. It's got some strawberry and kind of reminds me of pluots at the front, sweet and juicy. After that it turns into a more mature, earthy flavor. Tobacco and sugar ash at the end. I don't think "sugar ash" is a thing, but taste it. It's sweet and ashy. It's swashy. If I had could have this reliably in all the wines I pick, I'd be pumped. Don't go crazy serving heavy stuff with this, you'll drown out the sweet. This would be a good cheese pairing wine. Dried fruits and nuts. Vegetable dishes, red sauces, pasta, some Mediterranean dishes, I would shy away from beef, pork would be good. I'm so hungry. — 8 years ago