Young, its true, but irresistible. — 8 years ago
Inky dark, brambly, and ripe, with blackberry pie aromas. Gets better with each sup and an amazing bargain at around 10 bucks. — 9 years ago
What could be better with some Italian sausages on the grill with jimmy nardello peppers? Brian Loring says this 2011 was his best Mouvedre he has released. Unabashedly rich with earthy leathery and cedar overtones, this is a winner. — 9 years ago
Found this in 375 ml the other day and could not wait to build a German meal around it. It's light-bodied, but floral and lightly mineral and ultimately delicious. Yum! — 7 years ago
When I first opened this...a few weeks ago (!) I thought this was in an add place and not showing well. Now, I'm upgrading it, and feel it has some nice red berry fruits and a fine finish. Not a serious Port, but a decent value. — 8 years ago
A clean and light blend. Easy with fruited buttermilk cake and cream. Delicious, but simple. — 9 years ago
Love the 2001! Perfectly balanced with delectable auslese sweetness and generous acidity. May be nearing the point it won't get much better. Drink it if you have some! Recommended. — 8 years ago
Premox. Ugh. — 9 years ago
A touch of natural lees on the nose at first, eventually blew off to reveal peach blossom, pear, and deep Chardonnay flavored. Yum! — 9 years ago
The Corkdork
Nice! Brambly blue fruits, balanced and ready to drink 2009 vintage. — 7 years ago