This was a second bottle drank at home with John and David T. It followed a segue st estaphe medoc 2007 and it accompanied lamb with cumin roasted veg. It was a huge contrast to the Bordeaux. It was jammy like a Zin. I had finder memories of the wine when we drank it at le coq rico with our fancy roast chicken with gentle clove and star anise seasoning. I think it is a good chicken wine. — 8 years ago
Loved this wine! Seattle restaurant. — 6 years ago
Drank it with John at Amis in Westport CT. It was good. A typical sweet jammy zin. Was great with my spicy caccio e Pepe pasta. — 8 years ago
We liked it, John especially. We drank it rouge tomate. — 7 years ago
At 20$ it's a good light Pinot for all occasions. I opened it over lunch with Gay. It made me sleepy though. — 8 years ago
Drank it at home with John and David T. Had cheese plate and rack of lamb with cumin toasted vegetables and humus. Could have been chubbier. There were no comments at the table. Enjoyed it and found it more memorable when I drank it with chateaubriand on New Year's Eve. — 8 years ago
Sandra Botnen
Sandra had this 5 years ago