After 5 years of living in China it was time to open one or two bottles that had been waiting for me. Let it air for about an hour, soft fruity to begin with a peppery finish. Great with Italian sausage from the first cookout of the summer. — 8 years ago
Carried back from New Zealand a year ago after reading recommendation. Interesting aroma combination of oak a burnt plastic smell. But very flavorful, not a typical Sauvignon Blanc but worth the wait. — 8 years ago
We lost a bit of the cork but poured into a decanter which caught it. Everyone home for Christmas this was a bottle that I bought in Napa while at my niece’s wedding before getting moved to Shanghai. We we’re drinking a recent vintage when I realized I probably had an older vintage in the basement. Was a great comparison and didn’t last long great quality and still a great wine. — a year ago
Took a while for the bottle to open up but after an hour or so was very smooth. — 8 years ago
Pat had this 8 years ago
Pat had this a year ago
Pat had this 4 years ago
Pat had this 8 years ago
Pat had this 8 years ago
Pat Sullivan
Smooth and light has aged well, should have saved it for a nice steak.
— 2 months ago