Tasted 6 bottles back to back with zero bottle variance. Savory, singed cedar, hoisin, and intensely aromatic. Plenty of time left. — 8 years ago
Plenty of meat, smoke, and black olive. 12.8%. Syrah as a porch pounder?? — 7 years ago
Wild bottle variance. Of the six; two had minor/moderate oxidation, one was corked, and remaining three were sound but less than expected. Had high hopes. — 8 years ago
Badass value. After a 30 min decant, all the rhythms of aged can franc showed up. A nose of roasted herbs, pine needles, and muted candied raspberry. The palate showed damn good acid. $16 retail. Picked up at K&L Hollywood after the bitter sweet drop off of my DRC GE for auction. — 7 years ago
Tasted next to the 12 year malmsey. Great display/contrast of acidity expression on aged Madeira. — 8 years ago
Patrick had this 8 years ago
Plenty of Gevrey grip but still sumptuous and pure. Dried roses and saddle leather. Surprisingly fresh and clean. — 7 years ago