So fresh and so clean. Orange zest, honey and hazlenuts. — 9 years ago
Nate had this 9 years ago
Watermelon Jello powder, Basque cider, star anise. #glouglou — 8 years ago
Full of lilacs, white lillies, pear, saline, lime zest, grapefruit zest, more full and round than 2014. Beautiful with more air. Hold on to, needs age to allow acidity to back off — 8 years ago
Fresh and elegant. Honey, orange zest and hazlenut. — 9 years ago
Watching the Cubbies. Baseball church. Violets and black pepper. Masculine but giving in fruit, soft tannin (after 3 hours) bright acidity. — 8 years ago
Extremely floral and expressive, white flowers, stone fruit, melon rind, saline, cooked pomme. — 8 years ago
Nate Redner
Electric. Ripe summer berries, savory herbs, celery. Screaming acid. — 8 years ago