Trying "full bodied" cabs this week. But this one doesn't feel full to me. — 9 years ago
Cheap. Smooth. It is what it is. Bought it because it was cheap and noted as full bodied. Yes and yes. No "tang" that most cheap cabs have. — 9 years ago
Yum! Just starting to try to identify notes though I've been a wine drinker for years. I always describe what I think I like as "chewy, heavy, big". A friend recommended this after tasting it and reading the tasting notes. It is my hands down favorite. Now if I could figure out what I love about it, then find less expensive similar wines for every day. — 9 years ago
Ive learned from tasting this and reading. The reviews that I don't like "green, vegetal, grassy" notes. Plum and mocha? I don't pick that up. This is a no for me. — 9 years ago
Missy Watts
"Weak". Little dishwater taste — 8 years ago