Fruit has gone mostly, but some dark baked prunes and figginess remains. Nice old Bordeaux, on its last legs I think. Stood up really well for the last 45 years though... — 9 years ago
Michael had this 9 years ago
Yummy breakfast wine!! — 9 years ago
This is a Champagne for serious bubble geeks. Very tight bead, crisp, a bit nutty with a little wood showing through the crisp fruit. This is the real deal. — 10 years ago
Great bottle, had been open for "several hours" when I had a chance to taste it. Big fruit, big tannin still. — 9 years ago
Michael had this 9 years ago
Good grief! My first chance to taste this, just amazing. 7g RS, but you wouldn't know it. Really lovely fruit, elegant, bright, round but not flabby at all. This was a treat! — 10 years ago
Michael Pennington
Cool little malbec! Definitely not a fruit bomb, but still tons of fruit. On the extracted side. nice depth, rich dark fruits towards the soft end. Really good stuff! — 9 years ago