Dry. Pungent flavor. Decent wine. Would drink again. 8/10 — 5 years ago
Light, taste the grapes, crisp and easy to swallow. Good buy for $2. — 7 years ago
Sweet and drinkable. Fruity. Paid 12.99. Sam liked it. — 8 years ago
It's chalky first sip, maybe dry. Sam says no real aroma. Extremely fruity and Sam says "sweet". Heavier malbec than cab. Paid $11. Tangy swallow. Sams rank 8/10. Sam says citrus notes. Floral aromas later. — 5 years ago
Grapes and blackberries. Has an acidic swallow but very yummy. Sam likes it. Sweet. — 7 years ago
Strong flavor. Smooth. Grape. Not Sam's favorite but drinkable. Paid $6.50 — 8 years ago
Floral aroma, light. Thin, maybe watery? Slapped in the face blackberry. Very tart fruitiness, a tad sour almost in a bad way. Aftertaste lingers in a vape kind of way. Not bad. Sam's ranking: 6/10 — 5 years ago
Juicy. Sweet. This is a whole bottle wine. 10/10 — 5 years ago
Don't care for the smell. Alcohol on the throat is a bit strong. No aftertaste. Bought for $11. Nice fruits and rich smooth swallow. — 7 years ago
Marshall Fields
Marshall had this 2 years ago