Ok ok.... it’s been a while! Maybe this is a holiday affair! I cheat on France when I’m away, shush, she’ll never know. I’m 40,000 feet/11k in meters high on Virgin Atlantic Wi-fi (this is clearly the future). ‘The Storey’
I bought two within the last two weeks. Bought and opened on recommendation (local wine shop in the village). The looks - label old skool European, 15%+ dark and stormy. I drank both bottles at two diffident occasions and felt the same emotion (bit 80’s I know)...... skiing in Whistler, snowy night with Mrs W. Kids sleeping and a plate of plastic North American cheese. Don’t be angry, I loved it. There are wines to be drunk in winter and there are cold wines. This one at room/blood temperature (27c/80f) with 40mins breathing time and it just floored us. I want to point out this wine is not a quick drink. I bolt red like blueberry/cranberry/black currant juice but it just wouldn’t be rushed. Smooth and I mean smooth. Salty, Carmel and Brandy/almonds....... No other description will describe. It’s just like maple syrup in consistency. It snowed outside but it shon in the glass. Second date: New Year’s Eve, -13 outside. 4 other people I didn’t really know on an impromptu dinner. We ate, drank and talked (I talked rubbish but I’ll never see them again) then it came time for the cheese board. The wine was too cold when we arrived. It was too cold for starter and mains but 3hrs in, opened and primed it was sit you down amazing (again). A NYE to remember. Don’t take it from me, ask the nobodies I’ll never see again. I thought maybe I’d/we’d just had a moment the time before but it’s that good (it really was). Don’t take my word for it, try it alone or with strangers but make sure you drink it slooooooooowly — 7 years ago
Friday night and watching Dirty Harry Magnum force!. "You've got to ask yourself a question: 'do I feel lucky? ... well yes actually! Complete stumble... into man’s territory. Relax my female and not so female friends. Just loving the 70s jive......
Bugger me Australia pulled out all the stops tonight. They hate France and they feel inferior to to the West Coast USA but in this everyday winner they’re beating them all. Less that £20 ($30) and no mistake, this is a great Friday night in front t of the TV (by yourself) bottle. This is not pretending to be nice, not socially aware. This is strong, brave and naughty, just like our Harry! Got a gun, use it! I’m aware a year in the wilderness since my last post but this is worth writing about. Quickly regarding Delectable, I photo my wines and I watch you girls and boys regarding the food bad and the ugly. Writing reduces the drinking but sometimes it’s good to contribute. — 5 years ago
Larry had this 7 years ago
To decant or not to decant this is the question! 2012 Napa. Too good to drink daily but not a grand Sunday bottle for the father-in-law either..... or so I thought. I opened the bottle and had an immediate glass. Lovely. I then let it breath for another 40mins whilst supper was made. With breathing it became very very nice indeed. Smooth, not dry, low in tanning aftertaste. Going to say rosemary and marzipan (and trying not to sound like I'm making this up - it really does!)
We ate pink duck and avocado salad and it was as good a combination I can remember. I bought 4 bottles from my merchant and I'll take time to decant at next drinking. Some wines just won't wait but I'm learning some need a little time to show their true colours! Who doesn't like to find out something new?! — 8 years ago
Larry had this 6 years ago
Don't be shy people, this red is fantastic. Worst point, a little thin but for a 13.5%. Great colour, strong nose and easy in the mouth. Plum, slate and straw? Don't mock, it's just the way it tastes! Looking for a date on a Friday night, look no further! I really wanted to use the word 'clout' to adequately describe this wine... and I think I just just did! (Ps make sure it's at room temp to get the full picture) — 8 years ago
Scotland in April. Easter break with family. It's cold and the sun is trying to come out and I could be in California...... maybe not but I want to be with this wine. If this were our solar system this bottle would be Mercury. It just wants it to be 90+. It's liquorice and spice (and all things nice) red currant, blue berry (every berry) and smooth. Not Merlot smooth but you find you're self taking a larger mouthful than you'd normally take, why, because it begs to drunk and it's pure sunshine. You're not really on the West coast but it's the best substitute I'll find in Northern Europe!! — 8 years ago
Larry Wood
Larry had this 5 years ago