Juiciness. Simple, straightforward. Sometimes you just want that old school gamay without the overtones of complexity. — 6 years ago
Kenneth had this 10 years ago
Kenneth had this 11 years ago
Muscat really does come through with its candy notes. The Pinot Gris does add an oilier bottom to the wine. It needs to breathe right out of the bottle. — 5 years ago
Kenneth had this 6 years ago
Unfiltered Chardonnay goodness. Leesy with some golden fruit, off dry with a crisp finish. — 10 years ago
Solid wine. M- on the acidity, but the oxidative quality really balances out the wine with its nuttier tones. Fresh notes still on the top of the nose before giving way to more subtle buttery tones. — 6 years ago
Very interesting fruit notes not commonly found in Chardonnay, great body, and excellent finish with a crisp but not overpowering acidity. — 11 years ago
Kenneth Foong
Super juicy. — 5 years ago