A delicious French wine. The effort and care put into the grapes are reflective in its magnificent taste. Dark, smooth and delicious. — 9 years ago
Crisp light lager with a hint of hops that always goes down easy on a hot day. Pairs best with fish or fruit. — 10 years ago
Smooth, fresh and delicious. A drink that works well as a loner. 😎 — 7 years ago
It didn’t bust my wallet but subtlety plowed my mouth. A robust alcoholic comfort that would have calmed even the weariest of travellers on the Oregon Trail. — 9 years ago
Very light and pleasant taste. A decent go to for Pinot Noir. Pairs well with meaty pasta dishes. — 10 years ago
Very light in color and on the pallet. Hints of cherry and blackberry. The advertised cola taste seems to have eluded me. — 9 years ago
Jordan Babando
A vigilant assault of well aged grapes enveloped my mouth, while subtle hints of cherry welcomely molested my palate. Enjoy it with pizza, rosé pasta, or a whip and handcuffs. — 7 years ago