More buttery than I have tasted in similar Chardonnays. Very satisfying. — 9 years ago
I find it pleasing to the palate and and excellent pairing with roasted vegetables. — 7 years ago
Very crisp and clean with a slight buttery aftertaste. Very good value for the price. Comparable to a Russian River Valley chardonnay. — 8 years ago
Had the 2014 vintage on July 23, 2018. Perhaps past its peak. Could of had a better RRV chardonnay for the same price. — 7 years ago
I liked this wine. I had the 2014 vintage. It's light and citrusy, not cloyingly sweet. It paired well with salmon. — 8 years ago
John McCartney
Just getting acclimated to WA state reds. I bought a bottle to compare to their Reserve. As expected and based on price points, a decent swill for the money ($17 in DE). I would buy again. 2016 vintage on 3/8/2021. — 4 years ago