The waiter said that barolos take 4 years to mature, and we think that this one might have needed more time. But nonetheless, the final flavor was amazing! It was fun to truly notice the large changes the wine went through as it sat. Starts off light and airy, pretty uninteresting but with a deep smell. Then the tannins start to come through and by the end I learned to take tiny sips because it felt so “thick”! Barolos came recommended by Pieter’s dad, and this one was our very first one, so we didn’t know what to expect. It was a light ruby color that was beautiful. Very fun! — 4 years ago
First bottle of wine at a restaurant! We wanted to try a Barolo, but they didn’t have any that were well rated so we went with the waiter’s suggestion. It went great with our veal and beef main courses. It opened up after sitting and tasted more and more like a Cabernet to me. — 4 years ago
My favorite light red I’ve tried so far! The waiter said it would work well through the entire tasting menu because of its low alcohol content. The Frappato added lightness to the wine. I thought there was a good balance of funk, interest and smoothness in there. — 3 years ago