Good cab. Would buy again for sure. — 10 years ago
Poppin bottles for Christmas. Good Cava, great taste and easy to drink. Floated a couple raspberries in top for the holidays. — 9 years ago
Ruston is hard to beat. My favorite winemaker. Potent alcohol/wood taste really makes this a great flavor. Let it sit a couple hours for best flavor you've tasted in a cab. — 10 years ago
Nahhh.. Pass on this one. Cheap but not exciting. — 10 years ago
Bad rating as this was the first bottle I have bought and had to return. Look out for a new rating for the second bottle when I open it. — 10 years ago
Jack Brus
Yummmmm. First night wines at Deloitte University. Thanks Ross 😀 — 9 years ago