This Chardonnay is not as full bodied as the other ones I've tried. Unfortunately for me the taste falls flat. However, on the nose there is faint smell of apricot with light oak. It's an okay drink to have with lunch/dinner but doesn't do much on its own. — 10 years ago
A rose that packs a bit of a punch. You can definitely pair this with a heartier meal. — 10 years ago
Review Coming Soon — 9 years ago
This is the first German Riesling I have had and I have to say this is probably one of the best I've sampled. On the nose you are immediately hit with floral notes but not in an overwhelming way. The first taste was surprising as I expected it to be very smooth in my mouth. Turns out there was almost a bubble essence and high acidity. It paired well sushi. This is a must try. — 9 years ago
This white wine is extremely floral on the nose; however, at first taste, after yielding a slight kick, turns slightly fruity. Pairs well with fish. — 10 years ago
This wine is light-bodied, refreshing, and on the nose smells like freshly cut flowers. Quite enjoyable! — 10 years ago
A great Riesling also from Germany. On the nose extremely floral with a slight peachy note. On the back end I pick up a slight minerally smell as well. On the tongue, extremely light bodied with high acidity. And a slight tartness. This would go well with chips and a spicy salsa. — 9 years ago
This wine is ok. It had a bit of a mineral taste. It's a lighter wine and definitely crashed with heavier dishes. But okay overall. — 9 years ago
This wine caught me off guard. It's surprisingly sweet on the nose-like plums and deep red cherries, has medium tannin and a subtle sweetness at the finish. — 10 years ago
This is a great starter wine for those who are new to wine. In fact this was the first wine I tried in the beginning of my "grape journey". This a sweet, light bodied wine. And also carries a slight bubbly note. It pairs very well with fish, spicy foods, or because of its obvious sweetness on its own. Enjoy! — 9 years ago