Very very good. Multi-leveled and full bodied but drinkable. — 9 years ago
Tastes very unrefined for a scotch so old. Rough and has notes that are unattractive. Certainly not bad but not good either. Would buy though. — 9 years ago
In your face peat but it's done so tastefully, it's not overwhelming. This is a whiskey drinkers whiskey for sure but if you're ever in the mood for peat and the scotch is all gone, this is what you should grab. Buy. — 8 years ago
Dan had this 9 years ago
Very much enjoyed this. A little harsh without water. — 9 years ago
A scotch to buy, loved it! — 9 years ago
Smooth, drinkable, and complex. Great whiskey! — 9 years ago
Unrefined and bland. High ABV and great for getting drunk. Flavor is good but depth is lacking. Charred oak on the nose, sweet, floral. — 9 years ago
Rough and somewhat unrefined. Didn't enjoy. Reminded me of whistle pig cause it's so in your face. High abv. — 9 years ago
A fine scotch with a complex and nearly overwhelming array of pleasant flavors and smells. Fruity, cinnamon on the nose. Tastes of the sort of indistinguishable array of flavors you enjoy in good scotch. It was aged just long enough in the port barrels to bring the flavor to light without it over-shining the excellence of the whiskey.
Buy. — 8 years ago