A dewy scented wine that is surprisingly robust and friendly in flavor; notes come through like a parade of old friends, all of which are a pleasure to be around. — 6 years ago
Flavorful fruits and candy sweetness with minimal alcohol backwash. Good alone, with a meal, or with dessert. — 7 years ago
Beautiful, glossy, white-blond wine with a grapefruit punch. Slaps you in the mouth then kisses it better with citrus sweets. Lovely chilled-as-f summer option. Maybe diversify into a white sangria occasionally? — 7 years ago
Cori Harris
This wine ended up being quite tart with a bit of burn which quickly enveloped any good cherry flavors. It did open up and improve after some breathing, but never did turn the corner onto a lane that I would want to revisit. — 5 years ago