1968 Pio Cesare Barolo
A 51 year old wine. Had it at a birthday party for a friend's wife. Amazing wine. Well past its prime but still enjoyable. — 6 years ago
This was syper good. Beautifully aged and conplex. — 6 years ago
OMG this is beautiful!. Super complex. Bright fruit. A little band aid on the nose.but great qine ar 30 years of age. Wi e of the evening for sure. — 6 years ago
A delicious Tavel. Grapefruit and licorice. Beautiful rose. — 6 years ago
Delicious Syrah. Super intense and concentrated even after all this time. I dont drink anywhere near enough of this to really say but I think it is p re etty unique in its flavor profile. I bet if you drank enough to be familiar that there is nothing else quite like it. Wine of the evening on an evening where there were lots of great wines. — 6 years ago
Cameron Myhrvold
Cameron had this 2 years ago