Like he made tea with white cherries, some peppercorn and leather. — 7 years ago
Smells like when the honeysuckles are sharing their fragrance, but not too coy honeysuckles. And some limes. Really good. — 8 years ago
It's kinda like Torrontes grew up and got all sophisticated. — 8 years ago
Dried into raisinated red fruits but it’s shot through with a tart pomegranate or sour cherry thing. A little toasty. They drink it with their stuffed pigeon here in Montefalco. They don’t consider it a dessert wine. It’s really good. — 7 years ago
Quintessential Grenache. Clean cherry juice with some cracked pepper. — 7 years ago
The sea fog is rolling in tonight, and it smells like this wine. Salt and mist. Nuts and some orange zest...caramel that isn't sweet. Loads of things. — 8 years ago
It’s like drinking the generational wisdom wrought by Bea’s family in liquid form. It’s a grace to have had people who held onto tradition in the face of progress. They conserved rather than progressed, and I’m happy they didn’t bend with the times. Markedly more tannic than the Santa Chiara and the same flavors dominate, but are deeper. — 7 years ago
Smells like Nebbiolo. Dried, tart red fruit and some potpourri, and grease. Fresh and not overbearing. — 8 years ago
Kind of sweet graphite. And cherry juice. — 8 years ago
Bryan Flewelling
Pee. Herbs. Sugared-pepper. The flavors are so very deep. Felt like a whole wine. Stunned me. — 7 years ago