Man, the perks of this profession. — 8 years ago
Stop — 8 years ago
Brendan had this 9 years ago
This would be my example of classic Amarone, so for. Need to taste more, send me your best. — 8 years ago
Pure silk. — 8 years ago
Hard to rate and articulate such a thought provoking wine. Everything with in balance, while the acidity surprised me a little. Had tons of life left, and kept evolving until there was simply no more left to drink. Thank you for sharing, Sir. — 8 years ago
Inaugural vintage of Jordan, a little past it's prime. Had to use a make-shift Durand to remove the cork that crumbled into dust. Fruit was all gone, tannins very subtle. — 8 years ago
Spectacular wine, spectacular family. — 8 years ago
Fruit fading, great acidity. On the decline, but still alive. — 8 years ago
Brendan Steenhuisen
Truly magnificent. I'll say it again, most Bordelaise California Cab I've tasted. I have one left. — 8 years ago