The best. Had it with my mom, recommended by soms throughout Sonoma. — 8 years ago
Nice light summery Italian red that would make a good house, everyday wine. Had it with chicken on a sweltering mid-Atlantic evening. — 8 years ago
Had this wine with shrimp tacos, Christmas music playing, 20 degrees outside, near a decorated tree with a fire going. A woody red, smooth, prob should serve with steak. Brings back memories of visiting Montepulciano in 2010, with Alan, my friend who gave me the wine. Thoughtful guy. 9.5/10 — 7 years ago
If you like a hint of rubbing alcohol with a tingly finish this should be your go to. I noticed other reviewers said this was a Total Wine rec, as it was for me. I'm concerned they're pushing products for profit over quality. Still downed it though, of course. — 8 years ago
Enjoyed this wine. Smuggled it into a vintage movie theater in Silver Spring to drink while watching Blue Velvet with a bag of popcorn. — 8 years ago
They sold us on this blend at the winery, and it's a nice drinkable variety. Love it with steak, potatoes and cheese (although I like most things with those items). My dog had some too and he went to sleep (just a little, folks) — 8 years ago
Drank with ice cubes, making crabs. — 8 years ago
AJ had this 8 years ago
AJ Metcalf
Mushroom risotto and Kunde for Christmas. Somewhat sweet. Not a big fan. Risotto was delicious though. — 7 years ago