Elegant, full-bodied with strong overtones of dark cherries. Enjoying it at our AitBnB on the last night in Cape Town. — 8 years ago
An earthy, cherry Pinotage, perfect on a drizzly day by the hearth fire with my darling wife, Kate, here at the Hunter's Pub in Storms River, Eastern Cape, South Africa. — 8 years ago
A lovely, earthy Duero with my lovely, heavenly wife on our 27th anniversary dinner at Harvest Vine. — 8 years ago
Didn't taste this sangiovese, but the rhino on the label caught our eye. Good reviews from the bartender. — 8 years ago
Actually, the bottle we're drinking in Storms River is the 2014 Chardonnay, which the app can't find. It's creamy, with some nice fruit, pineapple or something. Even went well with lamb. — 8 years ago
With my monthly dinner of boyfriends, including soon to be retired Congressman Jim McDermott. A very spicy, rich Tempranillo. — 8 years ago
A delightful, refreshing sparkling rose from Sicily, apple flavors. A perfect start to a dinner at Cafe Juanita with friends Liz, Robin, and Kevin celebrating the sale of our cabin, which Robin & Kevin owned before us. — 8 years ago
This Chardonnay - from a winery we visited on our way out of Franshhoek, but didn't taste there - seems unoaked (the label doesn't say), so the grapefruit hits front and center. Good with pizza, though we're having penne puttanesca and mussels at Mario's near Cape Town's waterfront. — 8 years ago
With colleagues from UW and South Africa at FairStart, guest chef night with John Howie. Apex is buttery but not too oakie, enjoyed especially by our out of town guests. — 8 years ago
Aaron Katz
Our first Sardinian wine on Sardinia, a taste of apples and a nose of pear. Very nice intro to the island! — 8 years ago