Vicentini Agostino

Boccascalucce Valpolicella Corvina Blend

8.812 ratings
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Valpolicella, Verona, Veneto, Italy
Corvina Blend
Tomato-Based, Asian Cuisine, Mushrooms, Pork, Fish, Salads & Greens
Top Notes For

Color : White
Wine estate : Vicentini Agostino
Designation : Soave
Name : Vigneto Terre Lunghe
Country : Italy
Vivino : 3/5
Note : Tasting made during the aperitif, wine with a straw-yellow robe composed of a slightly green reflection. The nose is characterized by a bouquet of white flowers with slight citrus notes. In the mouth, short, a rather bitter taste with a good structure.
Dégustation faite durant l’apéritif, vin avec une robe jaune paille composé de reflet légèrement vert. Le nez se caractérise par un bouquet de fleurs blanches avec des légères notes d’agrumes. En bouche, court, un goût plutôt amère avec certes une bonne structure.
👍🏻Vivino, FB : GabWine | IG : gabriel_dvl 🥂

Color : White
Wine estate : Vicentini Agostino
Designation : Soave
Name : Vigneto Terre Lunghe
Country : Italy
Vivino : 3/5
Note : Tasting made during the aperitif, wine with a straw-yellow robe composed of a slightly green reflection. The nose is characterized by a bouquet of white flowers with slight citrus notes. In the mouth, short, a rather bitter taste with a good structure.
Dégustation faite durant l’apéritif, vin avec une robe jaune paille composé de reflet légèrement vert. Le nez se caractérise par un bouquet de fleurs blanches avec des légères notes d’agrumes. En bouche, court, un goût plutôt amère avec certes une bonne structure.
👍🏻Vivino, FB : GabWine | IG : gabriel_dvl 🥂

Aug 15th, 2018
Jordi Pazo

Tratoria San Tomà, Venecia. 15,00

Tratoria San Tomà, Venecia. 15,00

Mar 30th, 2018
John Chis

Compliments of JW Marriott in Venice

Compliments of JW Marriott in Venice

Apr 16th, 2016
Mark Smith

Great food wine. Also, love the label. You can always tell a bottle of wine by it's label... I really can't stop looking at the label... Live it!

Great food wine. Also, love the label. You can always tell a bottle of wine by it's label... I really can't stop looking at the label... Live it!

Apr 2nd, 2016
Bryan Power

Not bad table wine

Not bad table wine

Oct 13th, 2015

Excellent dinner and magnificent wine. Recommend the vegetable soup. Ironic and funny but true.

Excellent dinner and magnificent wine. Recommend the vegetable soup. Ironic and funny but true.

Jul 2nd, 2015
Nicki Hewitt

Light in looks but not in flavour. A good table wine.

Light in looks but not in flavour. A good table wine.

Apr 27th, 2015
Jehova Unus

Jehova had this 7 years ago

Jehova had this 7 years ago

Oct 28th, 2017
Mauro Iannizzi

Mauro had this 9 years ago

Mauro had this 9 years ago

Jul 28th, 2016
Emilio Cassoni

Emilio had this 10 years ago

Emilio had this 10 years ago

Apr 16th, 2015