Matt Austin
Owner/Winemaker, Grosgrain Vineyards, Walla Walla, WA
Much better than a 1980 that I had a couple years ago. Very light bodied, but complex, evolved and drinking at peak.
Much better than a 1980 that I had a couple years ago. Very light bodied, but complex, evolved and drinking at peak.
Apr 20th, 2018 Matt Austin
Owner/Winemaker, Grosgrain Vineyards, Walla Walla, WA
Light bodied and more reminiscent of a tawny, but still drinking nicely and a perfect way to end the night with some chocolate.
Light bodied and more reminiscent of a tawny, but still drinking nicely and a perfect way to end the night with some chocolate.
Aug 6th, 2015 Pretty light, drinking well, nice caramel and spice. Doesn't have a lot of big red fruit. Interesting.
Pretty light, drinking well, nice caramel and spice. Doesn't have a lot of big red fruit. Interesting.
Nov 22nd, 2018 (18.5/20) Сложный, элегантный аромат розмарина, вишни, малины, молочного шоколада, лакрицы, табака и корицы. Отлично сбалансированное во вкусе, где сливочная карамель соседствует с красными ягодами и шоколадом. Продолжительное послевкусие. Великолепно!
(18.5/20) Сложный, элегантный аромат розмарина, вишни, малины, молочного шоколада, лакрицы, табака и корицы. Отлично сбалансированное во вкусе, где сливочная карамель соседствует с красными ягодами и шоколадом. Продолжительное послевкусие. Великолепно!
Mar 31st, 2017