Santa Luz

Alba Valle Central Cabernet Sauvignon

8.94 ratings
8.71 pro ratings
Central Valley, Chile
Cabernet Sauvignon
Top Notes For
Jorge Rojas Gambrulis

Reminds black cherry and cassis. Simple but straight. Not much body. Right tanins. Good for lean meats.

Reminds black cherry and cassis. Simple but straight. Not much body. Right tanins. Good for lean meats.

Jul 24th, 2016
Tony Finley

Good table wine. Had at the Firefly Resturant in Elbow Cay Abacos.

Good table wine. Had at the Firefly Resturant in Elbow Cay Abacos.

Jun 2nd, 2016
Martin Cepeda

Solid table wine! Would drink again. Smooth.

Solid table wine! Would drink again. Smooth.

Apr 25th, 2015
Nathan Claiborn

Nathan had this 9 years ago

Nathan had this 9 years ago

Jul 27th, 2015