Full bodied yet leaves a light after taste, notes of black cherry and blackberry. A lot of flavor in the front of the palette. Smells amazing!
Full bodied yet leaves a light after taste, notes of black cherry and blackberry. A lot of flavor in the front of the palette. Smells amazing!
Sep 15th, 2016
Full nose, cherry, cumin? smells so good. Jenna tastes Indian spices. Maybe on the back edges of your tongue. feels thinner than a cab, but nice medium then clean finish
Full nose, cherry, cumin? smells so good. Jenna tastes Indian spices. Maybe on the back edges of your tongue. feels thinner than a cab, but nice medium then clean finish
Sep 17th, 2015
Wow! Lots of pepper on the nose, plum and tobacco flavors. A heady zin for sure. Rosenbl does not disappoint
Wow! Lots of pepper on the nose, plum and tobacco flavors. A heady zin for sure. Rosenbl does not disappoint
Mar 22nd, 2014