Adam Coy
Smooth ripe fruit.
Lynda Allen
Opened 2006 bottle to celebrate our 13th anniversary. Soooo smooth!
Chris McGuire
2006 Vintage - dark fruit, currants, heavy tannins at first but softens nicely into one of the richest cabs I've enjoyed in some time.
Paul Kiely
So nice and even enjoyed by the "country" in the group. Really loved this one.
Paco Suro
Rich. Black fruit. Lingers. Very nice.
Karl Schmidt
Karl had this 5 years ago
Craig Otten
Craig had this 8 years ago
Chris Rollmann
Chris had this 9 years ago
Katherine Hansil
Katherine had this 9 years ago
Sidharth Lakhani
Sidharth had this 10 years ago