Mas des Chimères
Oeillade Vin de Pays des Coteaux du Salagou Cinsault

Maybe it's not the most complex wine ever, but man it's f'n delicious! When you're tired and broke but still want to drink something good kinda wine @Sarah O'Kelley
Maybe it's not the most complex wine ever, but man it's f'n delicious! When you're tired and broke but still want to drink something good kinda wine @Sarah O'Kelley
1 person found it helpfulFeb 4th, 2018
Oeillade: noun, literary - a suggestive or amorous glance; ogle. From French "oeil" eye
Oeillade: noun, literary - a suggestive or amorous glance; ogle. From French "oeil" eye
Jul 25th, 2014Ended up being the best the third day open stores in the fridge
Ended up being the best the third day open stores in the fridge
Nov 25th, 2021Csw 1st languedoc that I know I’ve drunk. Delicious red
Csw 1st languedoc that I know I’ve drunk. Delicious red
Feb 13th, 2021
Excellent with food, slightly astringent without food
Excellent with food, slightly astringent without food
Nov 5th, 2020See multiple prior notes. This is just delicious juice. Shame @Scott Petrus for being hater.
See multiple prior notes. This is just delicious juice. Shame @Scott Petrus for being hater.
Apr 14th, 2018
Rotting peaches and sweets at the end of the summer.
Rotting peaches and sweets at the end of the summer.
Mar 2nd, 2018First single varietal cinsualt I’ve had. No other way to put it, this is f’ing delicious. Mix between Cru Beaujolais and more delicate southern Rhône. Couldn’t get enough - went and bought out the stock.
First single varietal cinsualt I’ve had. No other way to put it, this is f’ing delicious. Mix between Cru Beaujolais and more delicate southern Rhône. Couldn’t get enough - went and bought out the stock.
Feb 2nd, 2018