Bottle 216 of 914. What Can you say? We just finished our Perfect scoring Coche Dury Genevrieres 06. Next wine this D’auvenay.....did. we just drank water? This Can Not be True! Nothing, i mean Not 1 wine in the world is coming close to The whites of Lalou Bize Leroy....even The perfect ones....🍷❤️ 110/100 points
Bottle 216 of 914. What Can you say? We just finished our Perfect scoring Coche Dury Genevrieres 06. Next wine this D’auvenay.....did. we just drank water? This Can Not be True! Nothing, i mean Not 1 wine in the world is coming close to The whites of Lalou Bize Leroy....even The perfect ones....🍷❤️ 110/100 points
Jun 12th, 2020