Delightful. On the lighter side for a Cab, what I call a Pinot drinkers can. It was perfect with our lamb tagine. Bouquet of wet rose petals and lavender. Dark cacao and cassis, tart cherry and baking spices, Cloves. herbaceous herbs du Provence’s. Medicinal notes, peppermint. Caramelized bacon. Dry, long finish. Well balanced.
Delightful. On the lighter side for a Cab, what I call a Pinot drinkers can. It was perfect with our lamb tagine. Bouquet of wet rose petals and lavender. Dark cacao and cassis, tart cherry and baking spices, Cloves. herbaceous herbs du Provence’s. Medicinal notes, peppermint. Caramelized bacon. Dry, long finish. Well balanced.
May 18th, 2021