Château Vieux Meillac

Red Bordeaux Blend

9.13 ratings
-no pro ratings
Bordeaux, France
Red Bordeaux Blend
Chili & Hot Spicy, Potato, White Rice, Mushrooms, Pasta, Pork, Salami & Prosciutto, Pungent Cheese, Lamb, Tomato-Based, Onion, Shallot, Garlic, Beef, Hard Cheese, Venison
Top Notes For
Zach Dravis

Low grape taste with oakiness, perfect taste to be honest. A bit vinegary but there is just no bite at all which is perfect

Low grape taste with oakiness, perfect taste to be honest. A bit vinegary but there is just no bite at all which is perfect

May 4th, 2013
Zac Sirna

Zac had this 10 years ago

Zac had this 10 years ago

Nov 22nd, 2014
Linda Katsigeorgis

Linda had this 11 years ago

Linda had this 11 years ago

Dec 3rd, 2013
Janet McGrath

Janet had this 11 years ago

Janet had this 11 years ago

May 22nd, 2014